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 I suoi principali interessi riguardano l’epigramma greco e latino, letterario ed epigrafico (dalle origini fino ad Ausonio), l’elegia ellenistica e romana, la Appendix Vergiliana e il dramma senecano.

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The Roman Conquest of Cyprus in Ancient Sources:
bellum iustum or iniustum?


Georgios Vassiliades



Through the analysis of relevant Latin and Greek sources, this chapter attempts to show how the Roman authors and, probably, the Roman public opinion of the 50s BC morally evaluated the annexation of Cyprus on the basis of the moral and legal category of bellum iustum. It is concluded that the Roman public opinion, whose viewpoint is reflected in contemporary and later sources, were divided on the moral evaluation of their own decision on the question of whether the annexation of Cyprus was a bellum iustum or a bellum iniustum, by thus adopting the arguments of Clodius or Cicero respectively.



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