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 I suoi principali interessi riguardano l’epigramma greco e latino, letterario ed epigrafico (dalle origini fino ad Ausonio), l’elegia ellenistica e romana, la Appendix Vergiliana e il dramma senecano.

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A Coin Series with Capricorn and Scorpion from Cyprus


Daniele Castrizio



 In numismatic studies, little space is reserved for the study of stars, constellations, and zodiacal signs, present as types on coins. Among the contrary examples, however, there is an anepigraphic bronze coin issue of the island of Cyprus, characterized by two zodiacal signs present on the front and on the back. These coins, which in the past were attributed to the Commagene, based on the monetary discoveries, are now considered by scholars certainly Cypriot. I propose, therefore, a brief exemplary journey among the stars on coins, to clarify some iconographic aspects concerning this issue, and then conclude with a new proposal for dating the series of Cyprus, taken exclusively from its own typology.







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