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 I suoi principali interessi riguardano l’epigramma greco e latino, letterario ed epigrafico (dalle origini fino ad Ausonio), l’elegia ellenistica e romana, la Appendix Vergiliana e il dramma senecano.

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Pliny, nat. 34.81: The Bronze Sculptor Styppax of Cyprus
and the Splanchnoptes

Antonio Corso



 The author analyses the passage of Pliny, nat. 34.81 concerning the Cypriot bronze sculptor Styppax. The floruit of this artist is seen in the context of the Athenian expedition to Cyprus of 451-449 BC. His later activity at Athens and at Olympia is also considered in detail. Styppax was renowned as the sculptor of a bronze statue of Splanchnoptes, whose visual fortune is followed from the 5th c. BC until the Hadrianic period. The specialization of Styppax in this iconography is explained with the importance of sacrifices of splanchna as well as of the divination through splanchna on Cyprus. Finally, Pliny’s report on Styppax and his specification that he was a Cypriot may have been an oblique homage to the good omen lavished on Titus by the priest of Paphian Aphrodite, which probably determined the importance of this island in the circle of the Flavian dynasty.








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