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Collana: The Seeds of Triptolemus
ISSN: 2784-8000
ISBN: 978-88-89951-44-6
Pagine: 240
Anno: 2023

€ 28,00


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License





The important geographical position of Cyprus, which constituted a point of transition to the East, the island’s presence in various historical developments, and especially its rich mythology, offered ancient Cyprus many opportunities to appear –explicitly or implicitly– in Classical, Postclassical and Modern European literature and art. The studies in this volume move in this direction and attempt to shed light on the presence of Cyprus in the ancient world and on how it was perceived, as well as to consider its contribution to the Roman world and, by extension, to Western European culture.



Spyridon Tzounakas is Associate Professor of Latin Literature at the University of Cyprus, where he is currently Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Letters. His main research and publications focus on Roman satire (especially Persius), Roman epistolography (especially Pliny the Younger), Roman epic (especially Lucan and Valerius Flaccus), Roman elegy (especially Tibullus), Cicero’s orations, and Roman intertextuality. He has published many articles in international refereed journals and collective volumes, has edited a book on praises of Roman leaders, co-edited a book on the reception of ancient Cyprus in the culture of the western world and another one on Cyprus through travel literature (15th - 18th centuries), and completed a book on Persius’ Satires. He is currently working on a volume on Pliny the Younger’s intertextuality and on a research project on Persius’ intertextuality.


The Roman Conquest of Cyprus in the Rhetorical Strategies of Cicero’s De domo sua and Pro Sestio

Spyridon Tzounakas     LINK

The Roman Conquest of Cyprus in Ancient Sources: A bellum iustum or iniustum?

Georgios Vassiliades     LINK

Cyprus in exemplis: Cypriot Episodes as Narrated by Valerius Maximus

Margot Neger                LINK

Prostitution in Ancient Cyprus, the Myth of the Propoetides in Ovid’s Metamorphoses and the Perpetuation of a Stereotype

Spyridon Tzounakas     LINK

Pygmalion’s Inspiration and Pygmalion as Inspiration

Sophia Papaioannou     LINK

The Ambiguity of Love and the Ideology of Rape in Ovidian Ekphraseis: Pygmalion’s Prequel to Arachne’s Story

Stella Alekou                LINK

From the Humble Workshop in Cyprus to the Victorian Stage: Ovidian Pygmalion’s Reception in W. S. Gilbert’s Mythological Comedy Pygmalion and Galatea

Stamatia Kitsou            LINK

The Ovidian and Alfierian Myrrha as an Odalisque in Lord Byron’s Sardanapalus: Transformations and a Play of Identities

Stamatia Kitsou            LINK

A Coin Series with Capricorn and Scorpion from Cyprus

Daniele Castrizio          LINK

Pliny, nat. 34.81: The Bronze Sculptor Styppax of Cyprus and the Splanchnoptes

Antonio Corso              LINK

An Excellent Foreigner: Titus at the Sanctuary of the Paphian Aphrodite

Alessandra Bravi          LINK


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